Family history

In 1984, the PEREZ TABARLY Ingénierie Company won the Grand Prize for Innovation at the Paris International Agricultural Show for its patents. Given this success, Christine Tabarly and Charles Perez have been measuring the impact of the new techniques they have developed in the field. They question the wisdom of increasing productivity and its impact on food quality.

From 1984 to 1990, they carried out comparative trials, culminating in the creation of PEREZ TABARLY DEVELOPPEMENT, which set itself the objective of balanced management between production costs and the “physical-chemical” quality of the products marketed.

Since then, without any pretence of innovation or revolution, our PTD/Perty production site in Spain has managed to strike the best possible balance between the organoleptic and health quality of its fruit and its physical appearance. This is a major challenge in the French market, because unlike consumers in the Nordic countries, consumers buy first with their eyes.

The work carried out in the field can be summarised as follows:

Routine minimisation of treatments in the field, backed by almost exclusive collaboration with BETXI (Castellon) production groups since 1992.

A complete ban on the use of preservatives and fungicides once the fruit has been picked. To achieve this, it is advisable to limit its life in the workshop by passing four to five times per plot and to pick concentrically from the outside of the tree towards the centre.

The use of specific equipment on packaging lines to limit the speed at which the fruit moves and therefore its rise in temperature.

A drier cleaning method replacing traditional immersion pools with wet brushes wherever possible.

Spacing out chemical disinfection cycles for equipment by switching to lines dedicated to untreated fruit, despite the risks of contamination that exist (impossible to guarantee 0% PPM contamination).

Finally, to champion as best possible our quality-focused approach, we encourage consumers to try our products through the regular organisation of tastings and events.

This formula challenges us and requires continual improvement, allowing us to make adjustments based on consumer feedback.

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Our ethos: produce less but produce better.

Consumer ethos: eat less, but eat better (slow food)

Our response to the consumer: sustainable cultivation, juicy fruit picked when ripe, respect for seasonality and variety - such is the commitment made by our company Perez Tabarly Développement towards the taste quality of our fruit.

To meet all these needs, we continue to work as a family, with rigour and passion since company inception.




2123, route de Montfort
40180 Yzosse - France



(+33)5 58 56 03 12

Conception & réalisation